
Design Evaluation In Java Using Ibm Rational Tools

5725-A30 IBM Rational Software Architect Designer 9.7

IBM Europe Sales Manual
Revised: June 23, 2020

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Product life cycle dates Product life cycle dates Operating environment Operating environment
Program number Program number Planning information Planning information
Abstract Abstract Publications Publications
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Product life cycle dates

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Program Number VRM Announced Available Marketing Withdrawn Service Discontinued
5725-A30 09.07.00 2018-11-27 2018-11-27 - -
5725-A30 09.06.01 2017-05-09 2017-05-11 - -
5725-A30 09.06.00 2016-11-29 2016-12-22 - -
5725-A30 09.05.00 2015-09-08 2015-09-15 - 2020-09-30
5725-A30 09.01.02 2015-06-02 2015-06-05 2019-04-08 2019-09-30
5725-A30 09.01.01 2014-10-06 2014-10-31 2019-04-08 2019-09-30
5725-A30 09.01.00 2014-06-02 2014-06-13 2019-04-08 2019-09-30
5725-A30 09.00.00 2013-05-28 2013-06-14 2018-09-21 2018-09-30
5725-A30 08.05.01 2012-12-04 2012-12-04 - 2017-09-30
5725-A30 08.05.00 2012-06-04 2012-06-27 - 2017-09-30
5725-A30 08.00.01 2010-12-14 2010-12-17 - 2015-09-30
5724-I70 09.07.00 2018-11-27 2018-11-27 - -
5724-I70 09.06.01 2017-05-09 2017-05-11 - -
5724-I70 09.06.00 2016-11-29 2016-12-22 - -
5724-I70 09.05.00 2015-09-08 2015-09-15 - 2020-09-30
5724-I70 09.01.02 2015-06-02 2015-06-05 - 2019-09-30
5724-I70 09.01.01 2014-10-06 2014-10-31 - 2019-09-30
5724-I70 09.01.00 2014-06-02 2014-06-13 - 2019-09-30
5724-I70 09.00.00 2013-05-28 2013-06-14 2017-12-12 2018-09-30
5724-I70 08.05.01 2012-12-04 2012-12-04 - 2017-09-30
5724-I70 08.05.00 2012-06-04 2012-06-27 - 2017-09-30
5724-I70 08.00.01 2010-12-14 2010-12-17 - 2016-04-30
5724-G70 09.05.00 2015-09-08 2015-09-15 - -

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Program number

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  • IBM Rational Software Architect Designer 9.7.0 (5725-A30)
  • IBM Rational Software Architect Designer for WebSphere 9.7.0 (5724-I70)
  • IBM Rational Software Architect Real Time 9.5 (5724-G70)

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IBM Rational Software Architect Designer family 9.7

IBM Architecture Room Live, 9.7 collaboration tool is a continuous delivery stream of capabilities every four weeks and is an available extension for Rational Software Architect Designer and is delivered as part of Rational Software Architect Designer for WebSphere Software and brings:

  • Real-time multi-user collaboration
  • Capability for web-based on-premises or cloud hosting, with browser-based user access
  • Optimized drawing surface with minimal user interface
  • Live collaboration functions that minimize local storage
  • Customizable white board organization and design features
  • Customizable palettes and shapes

Version 9.7 of the Rational Software Architect Designer family advances the Design Room ONE capabilities. A Rational Software Architect Designer integrated plug-in enables a continuous delivery stream of capabilities every four weeks, improving and enhancing portfolio features and functions. Advancements include:

  • Requirement management features, such as the capability to connect to DOORS; create requirement links; view requirement links in Links View; visualize linked requirements on diagrams; work with global configurations; and so on
  • Automated or manual export of Rational Software Architect Designer models to Design Room ONE
  • Improved search capability with full text search in comments, texts on diagrams, and so on
  • Capability to transfer design information to Architecture Room Live by simply performing copy and paste of diagram shapes, preserving layout and appearance
  • Enhancements to the RSAD Requirement Management Explorer to ensure consistencies between the RSAD and the active Design Room ONNE global configuration
  • Usability enhancements include keyboard shortcuts, favorite elements marked with a decorator, zooming capability in the toolbar for diagram viewing, improved navigation between diagram element and corresponding model element, copying URL simplified and more
  • Design Room ONE Docker image available

Additional capabilities include:

  • Adoption of Eclipse Oxygen workbench
  • Expanded Swagger support to generate inline schemas after transformation, in addition to generating swagger primitive types with model reference to UML/XSD primitive types
  • Business Process Model & Notation (BPMN) support enhancements:
  • Import models, along with the layout information, from other third-party BPMN2.0 compatible tools preserving the layout
  • Additional BPMN Global Task types support including Global Business Rule Task,Global User Task,Global Script Task and Global Manual Task
  • Java EE 8 support. Java EE 8 TechNote
  • Support for installation and execution on Mac OS X High Sierra
  • Support for installation and execution on Ubuntu 16.04
  • Download the latest WebSphere Liberty runtime here and continue to receive support for development environments
  • Download WebSphere Application Server traditional runtime here and continue to receive support for development environments
  • Ensure : Java 7 : currency with download information at Fix Central
  • Ensure : Java 8 download information at Fix Central

IBM Rational Software Architect Designer Family 9.6

The Rational Software Architect Designer offerings, when used in combination with other IBM DevOps solution components, become the elements of an integrated, end-to-end, DevOps lifecycle solution for multiplatform and hybrid cloud development. This includes development of secure, multi-channel (mobile) applications that leverage systems of record and that might run on any or all of AIX, IBM i, Linux, System z, Windows, and IBM Bluemix platforms. their role in the DevOps solution.

IBM Rational Software Architect Designer 9.6.1 delivers:

  • Tooling support for WebSphere Portal Server V9
  • The inclusion of the WebSphere Portal Server V9, as a supporting program for use as a local test environment
  • Support for Windows Server 2016
  • Support for Oracle 12, as a database that can be targeted with the development tools
  • Support for installation and execution on Mac OS X Sierra

An update to version 9.6.1 of the IBM Rational Software Architect Designer family brings portfolio improvements with the addition of Design Room ONE. A replacement for Design Manager, Design Room ONE offers an enhanced feature set and complements the Rational development solutions suite with the following capabilities:

  • Is built using modern web application technology to scale to the needs of Rational Software Architect Designer users
  • Integrates with Jazz Collaborative Lifecycle Management 6.0.4 products through Open Services for Lifecycle Collaboration (OSLC) APIs
  • Has integrated export capabilities to publish and share Rational Software Architect Designer models to Design Room ONE server; a process that focuses on simplicity, improves performance, and enhances web publishing
  • Provides standardized web browser viewing of Unified Modeling Language (UML) models, with a user interface that is familiar to users of Rational Software Architect Designer
  • Enables generating and sharing reports with Rational Publishing Engine

The Design Room architecture is being expanded to a new Design Room Live extension, that is available as a preview.

IBM Rational Software Architect Designer Family 9.5

With Version 9.5, Rational Software Architect and Rational Software Architect for WebSphere Application Server is replaced by Rational Software Architect Designer and Rational Software Architect Designer for WebSphere Application.

Rational Software Architect Designer is a bundle of Rational Software Architect and Design Manager. Similarly, Rational Software Architect Designer for WebSphere is a bundle of Rational Software Architect for WebSphere and Design Manager.

Customers are entitled to use Rational Software Architect Designer, instead of Rational Software Architect. This allows them to use Design Manager without additional cost of license. Similarly, for Rational Software Architect for WebSphere Software, customers can use Rational Software Architect Designer for WebSphere Software, which gives them access to use Design Manager.

Changes in the extensions offering

With Version 9.5, the following extensions are merged into core products (for example, Rational Software Architect Designer and Rational Software Architect Designer for WebSphere). The cost of these extensions are included in core products. There are no additional cost for these extensions:

  • Extensions for C++
  • Extensions for Communication Applications
  • Extension for Simulation Toolkit

Merging of deployment and planning extensions

With Version 9.5, the following extensions are merged into Extension for Deployment Planning:

  • Extension for Deployment Automation Planning
  • Deployment Automation Content Pack for Rational Automation Framework and WebSphere Application Server

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IBM Rational Software Architect Designer Family 9.7:

  • Design Room ONE enhancements
  • New real-time, multi-user, cross-site collaboration design solution extension, Architecture Room Live!
  • Continuous delivery to automate of common tasks and simplify common user actions

IBM Rational Software Architect Designer Family 9.6

  • Delivers tooling support for WebSphere Application Server traditional Version 9
  • Delivers new capabilities and general improvements.
  • Removes deprecated features, which are now obsolete.
  • Delivers a design that is based upon Eclipse Neon (4.6).

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Rational Software Architect 9.6

New capabilities

Note: For detailed listings and descriptions of the key capabilities provided by earlier versions of the Rational Software Architect Designer family, consult Rational Software Architect Designer Knowledge Center.

These are the new capabilities and improvements delivered in Version 9.6 of the Rational Software Architect Designer family of offerings.

  • New tools for specifying microservices and their APIs, and generating Swagger-based API specifications for them.
  • Tooling support for WebSphere Application Server traditional V9 that includes:
    • Updated server tools, tools for developing and deploying Java 8 and JEE 7 applications
    • Support for remote profiling and code coverage for WebSphere Application Server tradition V9 by using Remote Agent Controller 9.6
  • Updated tooling support to remain compatible with the most recent version of WebSphere Application Server Liberty Profile.
  • Inclusion of a WebSphere Application Server traditional V9 test environment. (As Version 9 is added, the WebSphere Application Server 8.0 test environment is removed. A Version 8.5 traditional test environment is still included, and the latest Liberty Profile test environment is still included.).
  • A new framework for integrating your favorite Command Line Interface (CLI) tools into the IDE user experience. For IBM's perspective on why this matters, and see Why CLI. For details on how to use this new capability, see Integrating Command-Line tools in Rational Applicatio n Developer.
  • New tools that support development of applications in a running Liberty and remote Docker image.
  • New Swagger-based tooling for REST API discovery (through Liberty server), and for generating clients and server skeletons from the discovered API specifications.
  • Tools support for JSR 352 Java Batch implementation.
  • Tools support for JAX-RS 2.0.
  • Support for import and export of Java JVMTI profiling filter (workspace filter is the default filter).
  • Eclipse Tools for Bluemix 1.0.8.
  • Updated Cloud Foundry (bug fixes and the integration of the new CF plugins from Eclipse).
  • Updated integrated Cordova CLI to Version 6.3.1. See the official announcement from Apache Cordova Cordova Tools Release.
  • Inclusion of IBM SDK for Node.js is upgraded to 6.2.2.
  • Support for Eclipse 4.6 "Neon".

Of particular note are these improvements and extensions to the product family's JavaScript development tools:

  • Support for JavaScript 5 and 6 (support was formerly limited to JavaScript 3).
  • Significant improvements to content assist and autocomplete.
  • The open source Jasmine framework for JavaScript unit testing is now more fully integrated into the product. The experience is now comparable to how Java unit testing is integrated into the IDE.
  • A new integration with the Blanket.js JavaScript code coverage analysis framework. Similar to Java Code Coverage, these tools help developers assure and measure JavaScript initial code quality by analyzing what code is covered by automated tests. Among other things, you can now:
    • Configure projects and HTML pages to run JavaScript code coverage.
    • Run enabled HTML pages as JavaScript tests.
    • See code coverage results integrated into the JavaScript editors, when covered JavaScript files are opened.
    • View test results in the JavaScript Test results view with progress bar, execution time and tests passed and failed.

Notes regarding local test environment runtimes that are included with the product

Traditionally, each time a new version or release of the Rational Software Architect Designer family of products is delivered, it included the newest version of WebSphere Application Server for Developers and also two older versions of that product, and also the most recent version of WebSphere Application Server Liberty Core. For Version 9.6, that historic pattern would suggest inclusion of WebSphere Application Server for Developers 8.0, 8.5, and 9. However, Version 8.0 is announced that End of Service will on a date that is earlier than when Version 9.6 of the Rational Software Architect Designer offerings become eligible for End of Service. Therefore, Version 9.6 does not include WebSphere Application Server for Developers 8.0.

In addition, it was announced that WebSphere Application Server 8.5 phases out support for older versions of Java over the next few years, as Oracle Corporation begins to end support for those Java versions.

IBM highly recommends that for clients, who currently use older WebSphere Application Server versions, should move to WebSphere Application Server for 8.5 or WebSphere Application Server for 9.0 and the latest Java SE version (Java SE 8) due to potential security risks on earlier releases of WebSphere Application Server and Java as the older Java versions cease to be patched.

NOTE: For detailed listings and descriptions of the key capabilities provided by earlier versions of the Rational Software Architect Designer family, consult Rational Software Architect Designer Knowledge Center.

Inclusion of open source software

The set of installable images (also known as bills of material) for the Rational Software Architect Designer family of products include some third-party open source software components that are commonly used in combination with the products. This is done purely as a convenience to the client. These components are provided "as delivered", and IBM does not assume any responsibility to provide technical support for them. Technical support of these components is the responsibility of the open source software communities that produce them. Clients are responsible to seek technical support directly from those communities. Also, such third-party components might not conform to the IBM standards for its own commercial products, in areas such as, software accessibility and internationalization. For example, such components might be English-only.

To the extent that the IBM products implement specific points of integration with such third-party components, or include software for installing such third-party components, IBM does assume responsibility for technical support of such integration or installation software.

At this time, these third-party components are included "as delivered" in the products' bills of material:

  • (Eclipse) EGit
  • (Eclipse) Eclipse Marketplace Client
  • (Apache) Cordova
  • (Pivotal Labs) the Jasmine testing framework for JavaScript
  • Cloud Foundry Eclipse Plugins
  • Cloud Foundry Command Line Interface
  • ( community) the Blanket.js JavaScript code coverage framework code

Product fulfillment

As of Version 9.5 and continuing with Version 9.6, the Rational Software Architect Designer family is now among the growing number of IBM software products that are fulfilled "electronic only". That means physical media kits (DVDs or CDs) are no longer manufactured.

Rational Software Architect 9.5

Support for Eclipse 4.4

Rational Software Architect delivers new support for Eclipse 4.4.2.

Support for Java 8

Rational Software Architect now supports Java 8.

IBM Software Update Notifier

IBM Software Update Notifier provides a system tray icon that alerts customers when there are new updates that are available for their installed IBM offerings. The tool also notifies them when there are updates to the materials that are published in the IBM Support Portal.

Repacking of Rational Software Architect and Rational Software Architect for WebSphere Application Server

  • Rational Software Architect and Rational Software Architect for WebSphere Application Server is replaced by Rational Software Architect Designer and Rational Software Architect Designer for WebSphere Application Server, respectively.
  • Rational Software Architect Designer is a bundle of Rational Software Architect and Design Manager, similarly Rational Software Architect Designer for WebSphere is a bundle of Rational Software Architect for WebSphere and Design Manager.
  • Customers are entitled to use Rational Software Architect Designer instead of Rational Software Architect. Customers can use Design Manager without additional cost of license.
  • Similarly, for Rational Software Architect for WebSphere customers can use Rational Software Architect Designer for WebSphere which gives them access to use Design Manager.

Changes in Extensions offering

With Version 9.5 onwards, the following extensions are merged into core products(for example, Rational Software Architect Designer and Rational Software Architect Designer for WebSphere) and the cost of these extensions is included in core products. There will be no additional cost for these extensions:

  • Extensions for C++
  • Extensions for Communication Applications
  • Extension for Simulation Toolkit

Merging of deployment and planning extensions

With Version 9.5, the following extensions are merged into Extension for Deployment Planning:

  • Extension for Deployment Automation Planning
  • Deployment Automation Content Pack for Rational Automation Framework and WebSphere Application Server

Third-party Open Source software

Some of these products may include, as part of their bills of material (installable images), third-party Open Source software components that owners of the products commonly use in combination with the products. This is done purely as a convenience to the customer. These components are provided as is and IBM does not assume any responsibility for technical support of these components. Technical support of these components is the responsibility of the open source software communities that produce them.

Customers are responsible to seek technical support directly from those communities. Also, such third-party components might not conform to IBM internal standards for software accessibility and internationalization (for example, such components might be English-only). To the extent that IBM provides internally produced software that implements specific points of integration with such third-party components, or software that provides support for installing such third-party components, IBM does assume responsibility for technical support of the integration and-or installation software.

At this time, in the products that are the subject of this announcement, these third-party components are included as is in the products' bills of material:

  • (Apache) Cordova
  • Cloud Foundry Integration for Eclipse
  • Eclipse Marketplace Client
  • eGit


These capabilities are declared to be deprecated and they might be removed from the product in some future release. Customers who believe they would be adversely impacted by future removal of these capabilities should inform Rational Client Support, so that their feedback can be considered in future product planning.

  • Extension for Simulation Toolkit (See the Re-packaging section for more details)
  • Extension for Communication Applications (See the Re-packaging section for more details)

Edit model merge results

The Edit Merged Result button in the Merge editor is deprecated. The button is not always visible, and can only be used in certain specific circumstances. In the documentation we recommend users not to use it since it can corrupt models if used incorrectly. There is support for Compare-Merge Tasks, which allows to mark places in the model that needs to be edited after the merge session. This is the recommended way to work.

Rational Software Architect Real Time Edition Only: Code generator customization scheme for C++ code generation.

Rational Software Architect 9.1.1

Requirements Management OSLC Based Integration:

Rational Software Architect now integrates with DOORS Next Generation, helping organizations to link their design and requirements management artifacts onto a modeling canvas.

Users can explore the requirements artifacts directly from Rational Software Architect Requirements Explorer, and drag and drop requirements onto the design artifacts to create traceability links.

Third-party open source software:

Some of these products may include, as part of their Bills of Materials (installable images), third-party open source software components that owners of the products commonly use in combination with the products. This is done purely as a convenience to the customer. These components are provided as is and IBM does not assume any responsibility for technical support of these components. Technical support of these components is the responsibility of the open source software communities that produce them. Customers are responsible to seek technical support directly from those communities. Also, such third-party components might not conform to IBM internal standards for software accessibility and internationalization (for example, such components might be English-only). To the extent that IBM provides internally produced software that implements specific points of integration with such third-party components, or software that provides support for installing such third-party components, IBM does assume responsibility for technical support of the integration and-or installation software. At this time, in the products that are the subject of this announcement, these third-party components are included as is in the products' Bills of Materials:

  • (Apache) Cordova
  • Cloud Foundry Integration for Eclipse
  • Eclipse Marketplace Client

Integration with Urban Code Deploy - DevOps

Rational Software Architect now supports Urban Code Deploy to help organizations to influence the ability of Rational Software Architect to plan and design deployment topologies and automate the deployment that use Urban Code.

User can publish topologies to Urban Code Server. User can create a connection to the server using both "http" and "https" protocol. Publish operation has both cancel and rollback support (in case of some problem). An attempt is made to reverse the changes done on server (like creation of and element or update of a name).

Translation information for IBM software can be found at 0/clarity/index.jsp

Integration with Urban Code Deploy - DevOps

Rational Software Architect now supports Urban Code Deploy to help organizations to influence the ability of Rational Software Architect to plan and design deployment topologies and automate the deployment that use Urban Code.

User can publish topologies to Urban Code Server. User can create a connection to the server using both "http" and "https" protocol. Publish operation has both cancel and rollback support (in case of some problem). An attempt is made to reverse the changes done on server (like creation of and element or update of a name).

Translation information for IBM software can be found at 0/clarity/index.jsp

Extended Support for Worklight Adapters

Support for Worklight SOAP adapters:

This enhancement provides users with a Worklight transformation called UML-to-Worklight for SOAP services. Beginning with Version 9.0, users can generate Worklight HTTP adapters for accessing SOAP-based services from Web services or SOA models. Users can have a service model and use that model to generate the HTTP adapters for accessing the SOAP services by using this transformation capability. The generated adapters can be deployed on a Worklight server.

The transformation capability to optionally generate the client application code for invoking the SOAP services by using the generated SOAP adapters.

Translation information for IBM software can be found at 0/clarity/index.jsp

Rational Software Architect includes Design Management 4.0 capabilities. The design repository, collaboration, lifecycle traceability, and document generation capabilities from the Design Management 3.0 release are significantly enhanced. Design Management 4.0 capabilities include integration with:

  • Rational Solution for Collaborative Lifecycle Management
  • Design Configuration Management
  • Lifecycle Integrations
  • Impact analysis
  • Searching
  • Reporting and document generation
  • Extensibility

The Jazz-based Design Management server uses role-based licensing. Two roles are defined for Rational Software Architect: Designer and Contributor. The Designer role is for architects and designers who need full access to the Design Management server. This includes the ability to edit designs and setup design reviews. The Contributor role is for extended team members who need to collaborate on designs and do not already have one of the other Collaborative Lifecycle Management roles (Rational Team Concert Developer, Rational Requirements Composer Analyst, or Rational Quality Manager Quality Professional).

The Designer role is included with any of the following:

  • Rational Software Architect Designer (also include the Rational Software Architect client)
  • Rational Software Architect Designer for WebSphere Software (also includes the Rational Software Architect for WebSphere client)
  • Rational Software Architect Extension for Design Management

The Rational Software Architect Design Management 4.0 server can be used with both the Rational Software Architect 8.0.4.x or 8.5 client.

Collaborative Lifecycle Management Integration

The Design Management 4.0 server provides tight integration with the Rational solution for Collaborative Lifecycle Management (CLM). This integration makes it easier to manage and administer a combined solution.


  • Cross-role licensing that allows users with a CLM license (Developer, Analyst, Quality Professional, or Contributor) to collaborate on designs with access to viewing, searching, commenting, markup, and document generation capabilities.
  • The Rational Software Architect Designer role that has read and write access to work items and planning from the Jazz Change and Configuration Management application and read access to requirements and quality artifacts from Rational Requirements Composer and Rational Quality Manager.
  • Ability to share a Jazz Team Server between the Rational Software Architect Design Management server, Rational Team Concert, Rational Requirements Composer, and Rational Quality Manager; ability for users to define and manage in a single location.
  • Inclusion of Design Management project areas in Lifecycle Projects; making it easier for teams to get up and running and manage team membership across the lifecycle domains (design, requirements, change and configuration, and quality management).
  • Expanded Money That Matters scenario that includes design artifacts; Ability to make it easier to learn and try out Collaborative Lifecycle Management with Design.

Design Configuration Management

The Design Management 4.0 server allows designs to be directly edited from the Rational Software Architect desktop client and provides design-based, configuration management to manage changes. This is ideal for teams that want a simplified configuration management solution for their Rational Software Architect models; eliminating the need to map Rational Software Architect models into.emx files and fragments and manage changes using a file-based Software Configuration Management (SCM) system.

Alternatively, teams can continue to have their designs managed in an Software Configuration Management system and have those designs imported into the server to leverage all the other design management capabilities. The decision to use import or have the Design Management server manage changes can be made on an individual project area basis.


  • Serial and parallel configuration management for designs.
  • Change control operations, such as locking and unlocking, that are aware of the design structure as opposed to file-based operations.
  • Change sets that allow multiple design changes to be grouped together and managed as a logical unit. Design change sets can be associated with a work item for additional traceability.
  • The ability to view the change history for a design resource.
  • Graphical compare and merge support.

Lifecycle integrations

This release adds traceability between requirements and designs with Open Services for Lifecycle Collaboration (OSLC) linking. Links can be created from a requirement to design resource or from a design resource to a requirement and be visible on both sides.

Traceability links between requirements and designs are visible from each resource as well as the Design Management Impact Analysis view, the Rational Requirements Composer project view and trace link explorer, and generated documents to assist teams in discovering related artifacts and performing coverage and impact analysis.

Impact analysis

Impact analysis capabilities are added to the Design Management server to help teams understand the impacts of a design change. Additionally, design elements linked to requirements will show up in Rational Requirements Composer trace link explorer and Traceability Report documents.


  • Create a visual impact analysis diagram starting from a selected model element and showing all related model elements and the first level of OSLC linked resources.
  • Users can interactively review the generated diagram adding elements, removing elements, and saving the diagram.


The Design Management server provides a quick search capability that allows for text-based searching across designs from multiple projects areas as well as a more formal query-based searching that understands the underlying model structure. Queries are constructed visually and can be saved for later reuse.

Web-based sketching

Sketching provides a quick way to capture and collaborate on design ideas. Users can now create sketching diagrams as part of a Design Management project area and edit the sketch from the web client or within Rational Software Architect using the embedded Web client. Sketches benefit from all the other Design Management capabilities such as configuration management, lifecycle traceability, and document generation.

Reporting and document generation

The Design Management 4.0 server offers a range of options for creating and managing design documents:

  • Including live design documents that can be added to a Design Management project area and edited through the web client using rich text. Design documents can embedded links to diagrams which are visualized as part of the document.
  • Generating documents on the Design Management server using the Rational Reporting for Document Generation support. Documents can be generated from predefined templates included with the server or from custom templates authored using Rational Publishing Engine Document Studio (purchased separately).
  • Generating documents with Rational Publishing Engine (purchased separately) and accessing designs, comments, and OSLC linked data from the Design Management server.


A Domain Toolkit is added to the Design Management server that enables server side extensibility. It allows teams and business partners to define custom design domains.


  • Define new domains through an ontology editor.
  • Model validation by specifying live and batch model constraints and data validation rules using the SPARQL Protocol and RDF Query Language.
  • Create and edit model instances using forms generated from the domain ontology.

Rational Software Architect 8.5

Version 8.5 adds enhanced capabilities to a number of the offerings within the Rational Software Architect family that make it easier to migrate from other software modeling tools to Rational Software Architect, design and develop Java and Java EE applications, interchange BMPN2 models, and leverage web application frameworks and technologies.

Features include:

  • Ability to import UML Class diagrams and deployment topologies from Microsoft Visio into Rational Software Architect.
  • Transformation and visualization support for Java 7.
  • BPMN2 enhancements to support the IBM Industry Models and BPMN2 interchange with IBM Business Process Manager. This includes support for sub processes, black-box pools, and element tagging.

Rational Software Architect Extension for SOA and Web Applications 8.5

The Rational Software Architect Extension for SOA and WebSphere was renamed to the Rational Software Architect Extension for SOA and Web Applications in 8.5 to reflect its broader set of capabilities. This includes modeling support for web application frameworks and technologies.

Features include:

  • Support for modeling applications that use the Spring and Hibernate frameworks, including support of generation and reverse engineering of Spring source code and configuration files
  • Support for the Apache Struts Framework 2.0
  • Modeling and code generation for RESTful Web services that use the Microsoft Windows Communication Foundation (WCF)

Rational Software Architect Extension for Deployment Planning 8.5

The Extension for Deployment Planning was enhanced in 8.5 with support for planning application deployments to include WebSphere Message Queue and WebSphere Message Broker runtimes.

Rational Software Architect for WebSphere Software 8.5

Rational Software Architect for WebSphere Software 8.5 is updated to include:

  • All the features of Rational Application Developer for WebSphere Software 8.5
  • Previously described enhancements to Rational Software Architect
  • Extension for SOA and Web Applications
  • Extension for Deployment Planning.

Features include:

  • Ability to import UML Class diagrams and deployment toplogies from Microsoft Visio into Rational Software Architect.
  • Transformation and visualization support for Java 7.
  • BPMN2 enhancements to support the IBM Industry Models and BPMN2 interchange with IBM Business Process Manager. This includes support for sub processes, black-box pools, and element tagging.
  • Support for modeling applications that use the Spring and Hibernate frameworks, including support of generation and reverse engineering of Spring source code and configuration files.
  • Support for the Apache Struts Framework 2.0.
  • Modeling and code generation for RESTful Web services that use the Microsoft Windows Communication Foundation (WCF).
  • Deployment planning for applications that include WebSphere Message Queue and WebSphere Message Broker runtimes.
  • All features from Rational Application Developer for WebSphere Software 8.5

Rational Software Architect Design Manager 4.0 Beta

Rational Software Architect Design Manager 4.0 is now in beta on This beta includes integration with Rational Software Architect 8.5 clients and contains enhanced capabilities including: Collaborative Lifecycle Management (CLM) integration, design configuration management, lifecycle traceability between requirements and designs through OSLC, impact analysis, web-based sketching, living design documents, document generation, and extensibility. Additional details regarding the beta are available on

Multicultural support and translation information for IBM software can be found online at ndex.html

Accessibility by people with disabilities

A US Section 508 Voluntary Product Accessibility Template (VPAT) containing details on accessibility compliance can be requested at

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Operating environment

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Hardware requirements

Disk space: 3.5 GB minimum for installing and additional disk space for development resources; 7.0 GB required when installing from a download. Minimum disk space can be reduced if optional features and run times are not installed.

Display:1024 x 768; 1280 x 1024 recommended


  • Minimum: 2 GB RAM
  • Recommended: 4 GB RAM
  • Large workspace-multiple WebSphere Application Server: 6 GB RAM


  • Minimum: 32-bit (x86) dual core
  • Recommended: 64-bit (x64) quad core, or better
  • Large workspace-multiple WebSphere Application Server: 64-bit (x64) processor, i5, i7 or better (or AMD equivalent)

Software requirements


  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop (SLED) 11.0 x86-64
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) Server 6 Update 3 x86-64
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) Server 6 Update 4 x86-64
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) Client 6 Update 4 x86-64
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES) 12 x86-64
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) Workstation 6 x86-64
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) Server 7 x86-64
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES) 11 x86-64
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop (SLED) 12.0 x86-64
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) Workstation 7 x86-64
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) Client 7 x86-64
  • Ubuntu 14.04 LTS x86-64
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) Client 6 Update 3 x86-64
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES) 11 SP2 x86-64

Mac OS: OS X Yosemite 10.10 x86-64


  • Windows 7 Professional x86-64
  • Windows Server 2008 Enterprise Edition x86-64
  • Windows 7 Ultimate x86-32
  • Windows 7 Ultimate x86-64
  • Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard Edition x86-64
  • Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard Edition x86-64
  • Windows 7 Professional x86-32
  • Windows 8.1 Enterprise x86-64
  • Windows 7 Enterprise x86-32
  • Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise Edition x86-64
  • Windows 8.1 Professional x86-64
  • Windows 7 Enterprise x86-64

The program's specifications and specified operating environment information may be found in documentation accompanying the program, if available, such as a readme file, or other information published by IBM, such as an announcement letter. Documentation and other program content may be supplied only in the English language.

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Planning information

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Customer responsibilities

The customer is responsible for evaluation, selection, and implementation of security features, administrative procedures, and appropriate controls in application systems and communication facilities.


For additional information, see the license information document that is available on the IBM Software License Agreement website at

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Security, auditability, and control

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RSA uses the security and auditability features of the host hardware or software.

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Design Evaluation In Java Using Ibm Rational Tools


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